Default Settings in Project Level


As a QPunch user, you can configure default settings integrated in the project module making it easier to manage the task creation. These settings can be changed by the user on an individual basis through their profile.

While creating new punch you can choose to automatically fill each field with a default value. Note that certain type of fields may not allow for default values such as title, description etc. For the fields that do, you can set a default value with these steps:

Step 1: Click on the Project settings icon.

Only some users with permission have the access to this Project settings. To know more about the user permissions, refer User Permission Settings.

Step 2: Select the Default Settings tab from the left side panel.

This will navigate you to the Set Default Value page.

  • Assigned To:

In this you can either set yourself or set as unassigned by default.

  • Start Date:

You can set the start date as any date from the current date.

If you set 0, it will consider the punch creation date as the start date of that punch. If you set 1, it will take next date after the punch creation date as the start date of that punch.

  • Due Date:

You can set due date as any date from the start date. It indicates the number of days required to finish the task from the start date.

If you set 0, it will consider as 1-day task and set the same date as the start date for the punch. If you set 1, it will take next date after the start date as due date of the punch and it will be a 2-days task.

  • Distribution percentage:

It’s the percentage of number of work hours required to complete the task per total work hours.

If distribution percentage is 100% for a one-day task, assuming 8 working hours a day the task requires the whole day to finish. If the distribution percentage is 50% for a one-day task, the task requires 4 hours to finish. You can set the distribution percentage based on the time required to complete the tasks you create in the project.

  • Priority:

You can select any priority from the above 5 based on the nature of the tasks you create in the project.

  • Labels & Categories:

You can set that label /category which is common for most of the task in the project.

  • Cost:

You can set approx. cost of money required to finish those tasks in the project.

All the above fields are not mandatory. If its not required you can skip those fields without setting any default values. Though you set these default values and get auto populated in the punch creation page if it required you can change these values for the above fields during punch creation or later on by editing the punch.

Step 3: Select the save button to save the default values which are added or else you can remove the default items by selecting the clear button.

When you create a new task, the predetermined values will be auto populated without having to add manually again and again.

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